Project Description

Cool Communities – Climate Change Workshops for Wirral Council

In February 2020 we were asked to deliver a series of workshops to residents of Wirral that would help explain the newly published Climate Change Strategy.

We worked in collaboration with our friends at Wirral Environmental Network to create engaging and interactive sessions that would take place at venues across Wirral throughout Spring 2020.

Then a little thing called #COVID19 hit.

The workshops were hastily rejigged and sessions were delivered online using Zoom. We were, in the end, able to deliver the workshops to more people than we had previously hoped. Zoom meant that we needed to trim down the session time but allowed us to deliver a more focussed set of presentations.

The feedback from the groups we delivered too was fantastic and we hope to scale up the programme in the coming months. If you would like us to deliver the presentation to your organisation please do get in touch.

“A big thank you for Wednesdays workshop. It was interesting and also worrying. How on earth are we going to reduce our C footprint to 2.5T by 2030? It’s given us some food for thought.”

Wirral Resident